DIY Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino
- Youtube Video Tutorial Link –
- Source Code and Circuit Diagram Link –
- Quad Store – Make a simple 100% working self balancing robot car using “Quaduino” which is high quality arduino-compatible Uno R3 board, L298N motor driver and MPU6050 sensor
- Detailed STEP by STEP high quality video tutorial for Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino. You cannot go wrong with making self balancing robot car any more. Make self balancing car in under 15 minutes.
- We have simplified the parts used with pre-soldered DC motor wires, MPU6050 sensor pin soldered to make it simple for assembly.
- Included battery holder has ON-OFF switch with DC jack, so forget about fitting a separate switch and save time.
- Required 6xAA batteries, but batteries are NOT included in this Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino kit.
- This is a DIY (Do It Yourself) Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino kit and not pre-assembled. You need to assemble the self balancing robot and upload the code. Download instructions about source code, circuit diagram and video tutorials are provided with the Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino kit.
- Quad Store will only provide limited support for Self Balancing Robot kit as buyers should to be aware that they need to configure the PID (Kp, Ki, Kd) values by themself based on the build of their robot.
- PID values will change based on the center of gravity of your robot build. It will not be the same even though we sell exact same product that is show in the video because of slight change in alignment of the electronic components and weight distribution of the batteries that are used.
- This kit comes only with BO motors which does not contain any speed encoders. Although BO motors can balance for quite sometime it is extremely difficult for them to hold on to that position. For more accuracy and to self balance for longer duration you need to upgrade to motors with speed encoders.
- We do not sell motors with speed encoders in our store or online sales channel.
- Soldering of MPU6050 with 90 degree angled header pins should be done by the buyers. It will not come pre-soldered.
- Limited support: Quad Store is only responsible for the parts which are supplied with this kit. If any of the parts are not working then we provide replacement of the parts and not for the complete build or for non balancing of the robot. Buyers need to build and tune their robots to make sure they self balance.
- There are quite a lot of free resources available over the web for tuning the PID values and if you are unable to find we could assist you on the same. You may contact our support team.
How to make a self balancing robot using arduino ?
Checkout our video tutorial to build self balancing robot
Pervez Bhathena (verified owner) –
This is one of the best and low priced self balancing robot available online in India. I was looking out for various options and none of them had all the components whereas quad store kit provided everything that was required to build.